
Perfect Cent$ Accounting Solutions

Company Information

Shelbyville, In
You got into business to make a profit...yet every time you make a profit you get taxed on it... You didn't become a business owner to line Uncle Sam's pockets! took a risk to create time and monetary freedom for yourself and your family. It's pretty difficult to reap those benefits when you're penalized unnecessarily every time you make money. I'm sure it's also pretty frustrating when you see articles online talking about how corporations like Amazon and Tesla pay very little taxes every year... ...yet you're forking over thousands. Doesn't seem fair right? There's a high likelihood that you are overpaying on taxes right now. And I'm here to help you recover the taxes you should NOT be paying... It starts by implementing our proprietary Profit Arbitrageā„¢ software - designed to save qualified businesses $10k+ in taxes. This software automatically factors in the ever-changing tax codes and tax laws to your accounting and bookkeeping. Most CPAs do not have the time to always review and factor in the revolving door of tax changes to your accounting. Unfortunately for you, this results in thousands of dollars left on the table to be snatched up by Uncle Sam at the end of the year. If you have any doubts that you overpaid in taxes last year -simply leave me a note and in less than an hour, we can know for certain if you could recover $10k+ taxes. Give me 15 minutes of your time to see if and how we can help you save $$$ on your taxes--->>>


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